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Monday, March 15, 2010

Star Trek Online - Mr. Daniel's Log Stardate 2010.03-05

I am a Lieutenant Commander on Star Trek Online, and with this in mind it's time to write a little summary of the game so far. To be honest, I'm not well versed in MMORG games. WOW was not my cup of tea, and EVE, although looked cool, I couldn’t be bothered. However, Star Trek Online (STO) is something else. Originally I wasn’t going to play STO, I love the original series, I was in love with what Perpetual had shown us, even though their concept was Post-TNG. Then they all got fired and Cryptic took over. Full of anger, after seeing some of the BETA footage, I wasn’t sold. Only one ship could turn me. Yes, the Constitution Class refit. Is it true? Can I be captain Kirk?

I bought it, signed up, and started playing.

First things first; your character. Deciding to give the MMORG character my name, I thought here is my chance to be a Starship Captain. As normal to MMORG games you will pick your species and your department. I pick human and Tactical. You customize with various traits and then you're off.

One great thing about this game is that you're not stuck with the same uniform as everyone else. There are a few presets which are completely customizable, from the size of your head to the uniform itself. This is a great function. It is almost like the original series where each vessel had its own shield, now you can have your own uniform.

My uniforms mimic TOS, this is as I like is, a friend of mine has department coloured undershirts and a purple and white uniform, I however have black undershirts and TOS coloured tunics, skinny trousers and leather boots. (If you pre-ordered from certain retailers you could get the TWOK uniform, TOS Uniform, DS9 Uniform, or the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 from TOS as your starting vessel)

Next your first ship is commissioned to you after the whole senior crew is wiped out in combat and yes, it’s crap. It’s a customizable Miranda Class (See U.S.S Reliant) and I called mine the Flashpoint. She served me well. Taking good beating, but she wasn’t designed for combat. (Naming your ship can be either easy or complicated, I had been watching Flashpoint starring Donnie Yen.)

I don’t want to go into the story as it would ruin your adventure, but it is fun. This is your chance to live Star Trek without looking like a freak and still having a social life. But be careful, I ended up talking to friends about being attacked my Negh’Var Class cruisers and how a volley of Quantum torpedoes don’t quite do the job. How much I wish I could add phaser cannons to my cruiser so I could take on the Borg on my own. Trek could be my middle name.

After a lot of hard work and exploring I finally have a Constitution Class vessel. She is called the Endeavour. There is a reason for her name, a cookie for anyone who knows why.

Next time I'll be chronicling one of my adventures.
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